Spiny Leaf Insects

A spiny leaf insect is also known as Extatosoma tiaratum, the giant prickly stick insect, or the Australian walking stick. It is a type of stick insect.

Is it a good pet?

Spiny leaf insects are a great pet option for kids of all ages. They are interesting to look at and easy to look after. They don't bite, but they are sometimes a little bit spiky!

Looking after them

A 20 x 20 x 30 cm cage is good enough, but it can be bigger if wanted. The cage needs fly screen sides, and a door with latches. Inside the cage you will need 1 or more sheets of newspaper to help collect the poo. You will also need a stable, narrow necked bottle full of water for eucalyptus or acacia cuttings.


Spiny Leaf Insects are herbivores, usually feeding on eucalyptus or acacia leaves.

Once a day spray the leaves once so that the insects don't dry out, but they don't need much water! Once a week, change out the leaves and newspaper so that it doesn't get moldy.

How long do they live?

The males usually live for 6 months, and females live for 12 to 18 months.

Will they lay eggs / breed / make babies?

Probably yes, and females can lay eggs without mating, but they will all be identical.

When they lay eggs, collect them before cleaning. You can google what the eggs look like if you want.

Keep them in a small container with some coconut coir and in hot weather spray once every two days, then they will start hatching, but it might be a year or more!

I want to buy one!

If you are in Melbourne, Australia, please email us at spinyleafy@pm.me and we'll be in touch. We do not post live insects, sorry!

Currently out of stock!